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20 ESSENTIAL things to know before moving to San Pedro

20 ESSENTIAL things to know before moving to San Pedro

The Property Group
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San Pedro, a charming coastal town located on Spain's Costa del Sol, offers a delightful blend of Spanish culture, stunning beaches, and a laid-back lifestyle. Whether you are considering relocating to San Pedro for work, retirement, or simply to experience the Mediterranean charm, there are certain key aspects to be aware of before making the move. In this article, we'll explore 20 essential things to know before moving to San Pedro, ensuring a smooth and enriching transition to this captivating Spanish destination.

Mediterranean Climate:
San Pedro enjoys a pleasant Mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot summers. Prepare for plenty of sunny days throughout the year.

Spanish is the official language spoken in San Pedro. While English is widely understood in tourist areas, learning some basic Spanish will greatly enhance your experience.

Cultural Immersion:
Embrace the local culture and traditions to truly immerse yourself in the Spanish way of life, from attending festivals to enjoying traditional cuisine.

Residency Requirements:
Research the residency requirements for Spain, as they may vary depending on your nationality and reason for moving.

Healthcare System:
Spain boasts an excellent public healthcare system, but private health insurance is recommended for expats to access specialized care and shorter waiting times.

Cost of Living:
While generally lower than in some other European countries, the cost of living in San Pedro can vary, especially in tourist-centric areas.

NIE Number:
Obtain a NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjeros) number, a unique identifier required for various administrative processes, such as opening a bank account or signing a rental agreement.

Property Market:
Whether renting or buying, familiarize yourself with the local property market to find the best housing option that suits your needs and budget.

San Pedro offers efficient public transportation options, including buses and taxis, making it easy to navigate the town and surrounding areas.

Driving License:
If you plan to drive in Spain, ensure your driving license is valid and consider obtaining an international driving permit if required.

Work Opportunities:
Research work opportunities in San Pedro, especially if you plan to seek employment. Spanish language skills may be advantageous in the job market.

Education Options:
For families with children, explore the local education system or consider international schools in the area.

Banking and Currency:
Familiarize yourself with the Spanish banking system and currency exchange rates to manage your finances effectively.

Time for Siesta:
Be prepared for the traditional siesta culture, where many businesses close for a few hours in the afternoon.

Social Life:
Join local clubs, language exchanges, or expat groups to expand your social circle and meet new people.

San Pedro is generally a safe town, but like any place, it's wise to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings.

Beaches and Outdoor Activities:
Take advantage of San Pedro's beautiful beaches and the abundance of outdoor activities, from water sports to hiking in nearby natural parks.

Respecting Local Customs:
Respect local customs and norms, including dress codes when visiting religious sites.

Embrace Patience:
Adjusting to a new culture and lifestyle may take time, so be patient with yourself as you settle into your new home.

Embrace the Adventure:
Moving to San Pedro offers a unique adventure filled with unforgettable experiences. Embrace the journey with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the Spanish way of life.


Moving to San Pedro, Spain, opens the door to a captivating Mediterranean lifestyle enriched with culture, beautiful beaches, and warm hospitality. By understanding these 20 essential things before making the move, you can transition smoothly and fully enjoy the wonders this charming coastal town has to offer. Embrace the Spanish culture, connect with the local community, and savor the laid-back lifestyle that makes San Pedro a truly magical destination.